When used on certain points of the body, acupuncture can stimulate the nervous system. This could help you change your experience of pain and trigger other chemicals and hormones involved in the body’s own regulation system.
Traditional acupuncture theory believes that energy flows within the human body and that these channels can be used to promote balance and health. This energy flow, called Qi, moves throughout the body along 12 main channels known as meridians. They represent the major organs and functions of the body.
Book An Appointment
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient alternative medicine first originated in China. It uses the insertion of small needles at particular points in the body to encourage pain relief, reduce swelling and pain, and decrease sympathetic system activity. If you are looking for acupuncture in Burlington, our clinic provide an ideal environment with a very experienced acupuncturist (registered at the College of Ontario).
Why choose our Burlington acupuncture clinic?
If you decide to book your treatment for acupuncture in Burlington, you will find a few clinic offering this service. However, you must look at a few factors before deciding on the best acupuncture treatment. What type of training and certification does the practitioner have?
Our team of certified acupuncturists has extensive training and experience in treating the upper and lower body. They bring a deep understanding of the body’s energy pathways and how to balance them for optimal health, ensuring that you receive safe and effective treatment tailored to your unique needs.
Holistic Approach
At Pillars of Wellness, we can integrate acupuncture with other complementary therapies, such as physiotherapy, naturopathy, and massage therapy. This holistic approach ensures that all aspects of your health are considered, leading to more comprehensive and effective care.
Acupuncture Treatment in Burlington
Our TCM acupuncturist, Francine Dixon, is certified and trained to help you with acupuncture treatment of the following:
- 5Acupuncture for chronic pain
- 5Acupuncture for shoulder pain
- 5Acupuncture for carpal tunnel
- 5Acupuncture for insomnia
- 5Acupuncture for back pain
- 5Acupuncture for digestive disorders
- 5Acupuncture for fertility
- 5Acupuncture for stress
- 5Acupuncture for anxiety
- 5Acupuncture for trauma
- 5Acupuncture for allergies
- 5Acupuncture for headaches
- 5Acupuncture for labor pain
- 5Acupuncture for menstrual cramps
- 5Acupuncture for migraines
- 5Acupuncture for sports injuries
- 5Acupuncture for neurological conditions
- 5Acupuncture for postoperative dental pain
What to Expect on Your First Acupuncture Visit
During your first visit to our Burlington acupuncture clinic, you’ll receive a full assessment which involves an in-depth review of your current symptoms and persona history. Based on the assessment, our team will determine next steps and develop the most effective and appropriate treatment plan.
The acupuncturist will insert very fine “sterilized” needles under the skin at certain pressure points. Because the needles themselves are very thin, the patient experiences very little discomfort.
After the insertion, the needles may be gently moved or twirled to relieve any pressure or swelling that might be present in a particular area. In addition, the practitioner may also apply heat or a mild electric pulse to the needles inserted in the skin.
Typically, the needles will remain in place for fifteen to thirty minutes while the patient lies still and relaxes. When removed, no sensation of discomfort is usually experienced.
The acupuncturist may recommend more sessions to better assist pain and discomfort, depending on your circumstances. That’s because we don’t believe in “cookie-cutter” approaches. Each client at Pillars of Wellness is unique, and that’s why we aim to take the time and effort to get to know you and what you’re going through — helping you feel better while experiencing the most effective treatment possible.
Acupuncture Prices
Consultation (15 min) = Free
Acupuncture Assessment (60 min) = $125
Follow-up treatment (45 min) = $85
Cosmetic Acupuncture (60 min) = $125
Tui-Na Massage (60 min) = $125
Payment Options
Auto Insurance
If you have an illness or injury from a motor vehicle accident, health services may be covered under your auto insurance plan.
Extended HEalth Benefits
If you are receiving long-term disability income from an insurance program, your program may cover various health services, or you might have a work benefits package which covers a portion of the health services.
Veterans Affairs
If you are a Canadian armed forces veteran, the Department of Veteran Affairs may cover health services.
Private Services
At Pillars of Wellness we offer competitive rates within the standards of our regulatory colleges. We accept payment through cash, credit or debit. Please contact us for more details related to service fees.
Additional Acupuncture Services
Acupuncture For Fertility
Neuropathic Pain Treatment
Acupuncture For Insomnia
Cupping Therapy
Acupuncture For Anxiety
Stress Detox
Laser Acupuncture