Workplace Ergonomic Assessment in Burlington
Pillars of Wellness, located in Burlington, Aldershot, can provide a workplace ergonomic assessment to help ensure your workplace conditions match your physical capabilities. Simply put, with our team’s help, you can be well on your way to living day-to-day life with more physical ease.
What is ergonomics?
Ergonomics is about interactions between people and their combined physical and organizational environments within the workplace. By having an ergonomically designed workspace, your daily life can be more comfortable — particularly useful after any physical injury or debilitation.
These ergonomic changes can reduce the risk of strains and sprains as well as other related musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs), improve safety, and allow for improvement in productivity. It can also be a precautionary measure, used to avoid potential ergonomic issues such as cumulative trauma disorders (CTD), repetitive motion injuries (RMI) and repetitive strain injuries (RSI).
Benefits of Ergonomics
Fewer injuries to employees
More productive and sustainable employees
Reduced costs to the employers
Fewer compensation claims
Improved employee health / reduces absenteeism
Less sick time and overall discomfort
Improves work productivity
Workstations are designed more efficiently
Improves employee morale
What conditions can workplace ergonomics help treat?
After prolonged repetitive movements, or lack thereof, people in the workplace will often experience discomfort, numbness, pain, weakness, tingling, weakness, and movement restrictions.This is often a result of forceful, repetitive, or awkward movement on joints, bones, ligaments and other soft tissues.
Most Musculoskeletal Diseases (MSDs) that develop as a result of these conditions require ergonomic adjustments, so it’s best to mitigate them before they get that far.
The most prevalent MSD conditions are:
- 5Carpal tunnel syndrome
- 5Eye strain / blurred vision
- 5General muscle strain
- 5Headaches
- 5Low back / neck strain
- 5Rotator cuff syndrome
- 5Tendonitis
- 5Tennis elbow (epicondylitis)
- 5Shoulder pain (shoulder myalgia)
If you are experiencing these types of symptoms seek medical attention and advise your employer so that they may request a formal ergonomic assessment to make recommendations about task modification, equipment needs, and education related to proper body mechanics.
Workplace Ergonomics at Our Clinic in Burlington
At Pillars of Wellness, workplace ergonomics fall under occupational therapy. Some examples of occupational therapy intervention in the workplace may include: job analysis, physical demand analysis, work-site assessments, return-to-work programs, modification of job tasks and the work environment to promote function, job accommodation, health promotion programs such as stress management, and injury prevention programs.
Prior to purchasing furniture or equipment for your office or workspace, consult an occupational therapist to have the specifications reviewed. They will be able to provide guidance in creating the best ergonomically sound set-up. At Pillars of Wellness, we can assist you with your workstation design, workstation set-up, and work methods to maximize productivity and reduce workplace illness/injury.
Why choose Pillars of Wellness?
At Pillars of Wellness, in Burlington, Ontario, we are proud to provide a truly integrated care approach that employs a variety of treatments to achieve faster recovery. Our clinic offers different services such as chiropractic, naturopathy, counselling, speech therapy, occupational therapy, yoga therapy, acupuncture, and holistic nutrition.
With multiple diverse services and specialities in one place, you’ll get the best care possible — without having to look elsewhere. Pillars of Wellness is your one-stop-health solution, located right here in Burlington.
Additional Occupational Therapy Services
Neuro Rehabilitation
Musculoskeletal Service
Ergonomic Assessment
Senior Care
Mental Health
MPS Therapy