Online Yoga Program

Man and woman doing online Yoga Therapy

Online Yoga Program

Aura Davila, yoga instructor and yoga therapist invite you to join her on this wellness journey with a 6-week online yoga program focused on stretching and strengthening as well as working on your breathing technique. The aim of this program is to get your body moving when you are at home for a long period of time. Most of us are now working from home or looking after our young ones or love ones with limited activities.

This program also help those with breathing difficulties, mobility and balance issues. Yoga is also well-know to help with mindfulness, body-regulation and mental health.

What are the dates of this program?

It’s a 6-week program, so the program starts every 6 weeks. There are two options: 2 days a week or 3 days a week.

Each session last 30 minutes and are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm.

Start date of the program:

May 19th

June 28th

August 9th

What conditions can yoga help treat?

  • 5Back, hip, knee and sciatic pain
  • 5Neck, shoulder, elbow, and wrist pain
  • 5Muscle tension and stiffness
  • 5Arthritis
  • 5Scoliosis
  • 5Hernia disc
  • 5Age related discomfort
  • 5Anxiety and depression
  • 5Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • 5Motor vehicle accident rehabilitation
  • 5Disability
  • 5Sleep disturbances

How Much Does It Cost?

In order to join the online yoga program, each participant must pay upfront the total cost. HST is included.

The total price for 3 days a week – 6-week program is $130
The total price for 2 days a week – 6-week program is $87

Each participant must have a good internet connection, a laptop and obviously a safe space to practise yoga at home. We will provide you with a link to access the online program.

Before Your Visit

Frequently Asked Questions

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What if I cannot attend a session?
The program include either 18 sessions or 12 sessions depending if you opt for 3 days a week or 2 days a week. To register and participate to this program, you must pay upfront. There won’t be any refund should you miss a class. A session cost $7.22.
Is yoga safe?
Yes, as long as you fully disclose any health conditions and physical challenges. It is also very important that your sessions are conducted by a certified Yoga Instructor or Yoga Therapist.
What online platform do you use for the yoga classes?
We use Zoom. It’s an encrypted and efficient platform allowing numbers of participant to join on a video call.
Is yoga covered by my health insurance?
The majority of health insurance does not cover for this kind of service.
How many people in one class?
In order to provide a good experience for everybody, we limit the class to 8 people maximum.

Why choose Pillars of Wellness?

If you wish to receive more information and/or make an appointment, please contact us. We are conveniently located in Burlington, Aldershot.