Pediatric Naturopathy

Young girl seeing doctor

Pediatric Naturopathy in Burlington

What is Pediatric Naturopathy?

Naturopathic medicine plays an important role in supporting the pediatric population. The naturopathic doctor uses holistic, gentle therapies to address a variety of pediatric health concerns including eczema, acne, allergies, asthma, gastrointestinal reflux, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, depression, ADHD, chronic stress, weight gain, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and hormonal imbalances to name a few.

Children and teenagers as well as their families benefit from seeing a naturopathic doctor also for long-term healthy habits formation and chronic disease prevention.

What to expect during the first visit?

During the first visit, the naturopathic doctor will gather information about:

The child’s birth

Medical history




As well, they will perform a focused physical exam or recommend blood work in order to make an assessment and suggest a treatment plan. Majority of treatment plans include nutritional recommendations given the fact that diet and lifestyle are the pillars of health.

Naturopathy for treating children

Naturopathic Therapies

Based on the age of the child and health concerns, other therapies could be suggested such as herbal products (teas, tinctures, capsules), nutritional supplements, acupuncture, counseling, etc.

Subsequent follow-up visits are necessary for monitoring treatment efficacy and potential side effects. The treatment is individualized to the child; therefore, the results can vary. Where there is high compliance with naturopathic interventions, better and faster results are obtained.

Common pediatric conditions that can be treated by our naturopathic doctor

A common childhood disease well-treated by naturopathic medicine is eczema (atopic dermatitis).

Eczema is a recurrent inflammatory skin condition that affects up to 20 percent of children and 3 percent of adults. Children with early eczema are more likely to develop hay fever and asthma. Conventional treatment includes topical or oral medication, such as corticosteroids and immunomodulators.

An allergist can recommend a skin prick test to determine severe environmental and food allergies. Naturopathic medicine can be successfully integrated with conventional treatments or in some cases preferred by parents to avoid medication side effects.

Example of our Naturopathic Doctor’s Recommendation

The naturopathic doctor’s approach is to identify dietary intolerances/sensitivities, which usually cause a delayed reaction, and recommend an elimination/challenge diet protocol. Most common food allergies and intolerances that could cause eczema in children are dairy, gluten, eggs, soy, citrus fruits, peanuts, shellfish.

Other naturopathic interventions include vitamin C, vitamin D3, Vitamin E, probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc to address inflammation. Coconut oil can be used topically to keep the skin moisturized and decrease the itchiness and dryness. Psychological stress can trigger or worsen eczema therefore stress management strategies such as mindfulness, herbal or nutritional supplements can be part of the naturopathic recommendations.

This information is not intended as a substitute for diagnosis or medical advice provided by your physician or naturopathic doctor. Naturopathic interventions can interact with medications and potentially cause side effects in certain individuals. Join us and meet our naturopathic doctor, Maria Galantai for a comprehensive assessment and recommendations.

Why choose Pillars of Wellness?

At Pillars of Wellness, in Burlington, Ontario, we are proud to provide a truly integrated care approach that employs a variety of treatments to achieve a faster recovery. Our clinic offers different services such as chiropractic, naturopathy, counselling, speech therapy, occupational therapy, yoga therapy, acupuncture, holistic nutrition, and physiotherapy.

With multiple diverse services and specialties in one place, you’ll get the best care possible — without having to look elsewhere. Pillars of Wellness is your one-stop-health solution, located right here in Burlington.

1. Nutten S: Atopic Dermatitis: Global Epidemiology and Risk Factors. Ann Nutr Metab 2015;66(suppl 1):8-16. doi: 10.1159/000370220

2. Schlichte MJ, Vandersall A, Katta R. Diet and eczema: a review of dietary supplements for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Dermatol Pract Concept. 2016;6(3):23–29. Published 2016 Jul 31. doi:10.5826/dpc.0603a06

3. Suárez AL, Feramisco JD, Koo J, Steinhoff M. Psychoneuroimmunology of psychological stress and atopic dermatitis: pathophysiologic and therapeutic updates. Acta Derm Venereol. 2012;92(1):7–15. doi:10.2340/00015555-1188

Additional Pediatric Services

Pediatric Physiotherapy

Pediatric Naturopathy

Gross Motor Skills

Pediatric Chiropractic

Torticollis Treatment

Pediatric Counselling

Pediatric Speech Therapy
