Speech Therapy Burlington

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All You Want To Know About Our Speech Therapy in Burlington

At Pillars of Wellness, we provide speech therapy in Burlington. we strive to provide the highest quality of speech therapy for all ages. Our skilled speech-language pathologists have years of experience and will work with you one-on-one in person or through virtual sessions or home visits. With us, we are confident to help improve articulation difficulties, reading, writing and speaking abilities!

Our Speech language pathologists work in partnership with other qualified practitioners. They have both the knowledge and expertise to treat children and adults. You can access their bio on our Meet our Team page.

Speech language pathologists can address issues with communication, swallowing, and reading and writing delays. They can also assess and manage individuals who may require alternative and augmentative communication systems.

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    Your Information

    Speech Therapy For Adults

    Speech therapy for adults usually focus more on the rehabilitation of speech due to a stroke or a brain injury. We also offer speech therapy for adults for people suffering from dysphagia (difficulties in swallowing), apraxia, dysarthria, and speech therapy for people who suffered from a brain injury.

    One of our speech language pathologist focus her practice solely on speech therapy for adults.

    Speech Therapy For Kids

    Speech therapy for kids focuses more on language delay, language disorder, stuttering, reading and writing difficulties. Speech therapy for kids helps them communicate effectively. It helps them develop meaningful social relationships, build their vocabulary, and master difficult daily situations.

    Kids with articulation problems have a difficult time moving their jaw, tongue, and mouth properly. During speech therapy, they practice using enhanced mouth movements and learning to sing using melodies. There are specially-written songs for this purpose, so parents can ask their child’s therapist for appropriate songs.

    Speaking is an important part of life, and speech therapy for kids can help your child develop these skills. It also helps them become more confident and thrive.

    Nurit Nadler, speech language pathologist focus her practice solely on speech therapy for kids.

    Both therapists provide speech therapy in Burlington (virtually or in-person).

    What goals can speech therapy help achieve?

    Improved overall communication at work and at school

    A holistic healing plan after complex injuries

    Improved swallowing

    More confidence and reduced anxiety

    Woman getting speech therapy

    Speech Therapy in Burlington – What to Expect on Your First Visit

    In preparation for your first speech therapy session, we offer a free 15-minute consultation to help determine the best course of treatment. This is a more informal opportunity for you to express any concerns and ask any questions about speech therapy.

    The speech therapist will look at the following factors to decide how to proceed with further sessions:

    Attention and listening
    Understanding of language
    Expressive language
    Play skills
    Social skills
    Each client will receive their own customized approach, built around their unique goals and challenges.

    We don’t believe in “cookie-cutter” approaches. Each client at Pillars of Wellness is unique, and that’s why we aim to take the time and effort to get to know you and what you’re going through — helping you feel better while experiencing the most effective treatment possible.

    What conditions can speech therapy help treat?

    Our speech therapists are responsible for assessments, treatment, and consultation services to address the following:

    • 5Literacy
    • 5Swallowing disorders
    • 5Language delays and disorders including apraxia, dysarthria, articulation/phonology, and motor speech impairment not otherwise specified
    • 5Communication disorders related to autism, developmental delays, learning disabilities, stroke, brain injuries, cognitive disorders, hearing impairment, and progressive neurological diseases
    • 5Voice and resonance disorders
    • 5Stuttering
    • 5Alternative and augmentative communication needs
    • 5Psychogenic communication
    • 5Structural anomalies of the speech and voice mechanism
    • 5Dysphagia

    Why choose Pillars of Wellness and speech therapy in burlington?

    • Quick appointments
    • Flexible hours
    • We can see clients at the clinic or in in-home
    • Quality assessment for all ages
    • Reliable and expert speech therapists
    • High degree of partnership and collaboration among practitioners
    • Commitment to excellence

    All our services are under one roof. To maximize recovery, the client may need an occupational therapist or a physiotherapist which are available at Pillars of Wellness.

    Before Your Visit

    Frequently Asked Questions

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    At what point should I be concerned about my child’s communication?
    This depends on your child’s age and what they are able to express. For example, a young child (9 months) might be showing early signs of a hearing loss or language disorder if they don’t respond to sounds, their name, show comprehension of simple words, or point to call attention to interesting objects.

    To help determine how your child’s communication skills are developing, follow these guiding benchmarks. Remember that every child is different and that only a professional can diagnose a speech disorder.

    First words: 12-15 months Frequent two-word combinations: 21-24 months Frequent three-word combinations: 36 months Intelligible speech in conversation 90% of the time: 4 years Grammatically complete sentences most of the time: kindergarten age.

    What can I do at home to assist my child’s speech development?
    First, try your best to understand your child’s current communication level. Are they preverbal? Do they communicate with single words, or do they use phrases and sentences? This can help you understand what to model at home.

    To encourage your child to speak, avoid overusing questions — this can make them feel pressured and anxious. Instead, comment about events as they are unfolding. Encourage taking turns when speaking, and try to avoid speaking rapidly or taking lengthy talking turns. Praise any of their efforts to communicate, including gestures, pointing, gaze, and verbal attempts.

    How long will speech therapy take before my child catches up to their peers?
    This is different for everyone based on many factors like severity of the disorder, student co-operation, motivation, and readiness to learn.

    Generally, children with difficulty understanding language (receptive language problems) tend to require longer courses of treatment, as do children with underlying neurocognitive impairments such as autism.

    How many times per week should my child have speech therapy?
    It’s different for everyone, but most children come in once or twice a week whether or not they’re also doing speech therapy at school. The frequency will depend on the severity of the disorder, or what type of intervention program is recommended. Occasionally, a more intensive schedule might be necessary.
    How long does it take to get an appointment? Is there a waiting list?
    This depends on the month, but we can usually see a client within two weeks or sometimes less.


    Consultation (15 min) = Free

    Speech Therapy Assessment (60 min) = $155

    Follow-up session (60 min) = $140

    Payment Options

    Auto Insurance

    If you have an illness or injury from a motor vehicle accident, health services may be covered under your auto insurance plan.

    Extended HEalth Benefits

    If you are receiving long-term disability income from an insurance program, your program may cover various health services, or you might have a work benefits package which covers a portion of the health services.

    Veterans Affairs

    If you are a Canadian armed forces veteran, the Department of Veteran Affairs may cover health services.

    Private Services

    At Pillars of Wellness we offer competitive rates within the standards of our regulatory colleges. We accept payment through cash, credit or debit. Please contact us for more details related to service fees.

    Additional Speech Therapy Services

    Apraxia of Speech

    Parkinson’s Disease – Speak Out Program


    Reading, Writing And Literacy

    Dysarthria Treatment


    Language Delay and Disorder

    Therapy For Brain Injury
